
Friday, July 22, 2011

Stupid Club Bouncers

One of my friends posted this on her Facebook page and I wanted to share it as well as tell you a my little story in experiencing this as well..

So my experience goes like this: My hubby and I meet up with his two brothers at a small club and I honestly don't remember what the name of the club was. Well we were there I want to say for almost an hour drinking out first and only beer when this big goofy looking bouncer comes up to my Hubby telling him "You got a problem" and my husband is so not the type that puts up with douche bags talking to him like that and tells him "What the fuck?" So the bouncer say we've had to much to drink, again we were barely drinking our FIRST and ONLY beer. So we told him this and he wasn't hearing it so he said we need to leave. We were on our way to leave but we wanted to tell someone in charge that this guy was being a dick but on they way this ass hole comes up behind my Hubby and tries to get him in a head lock. BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!! How all this happened is beyond me because it happened to fast my Hubby grabbed this fat fucker by the neck while he (bouncer) was behind him (Hubby) and flipped that piece of shit over knocking him (bouncer) in to a beam which knocked him (bouncer) out. I was like WTF!! Did that just happen? I guess the bouncer thought that since he was bigger then my Hubby that it was gonna be easy but Ha ha. I was just at an aww. I know my Hubby can defend himself if need be but I totally didn't see that coming.. By the time all this happened there were bouncers every where and a couple of cops. I cant believe this but they didn't do anything they were just staring at what was going on. None of them tried to step in and help their fellow bouncer which I thought was hilarious. They must have known that that bouncer was a dick and had what was coming to him lol. So needless to say we ended up leaving because we had my brother-in-law with us and he was underage drinking and he was trying to get into the mix and I wasn't having that. Knowing our luck he'd get arrested.. FYI I or my Hubby were NOT buying my Brother-in-law alcohol. He drank on his own and showed up like that..

So I gotta say a lot of these bouncers think they are some mighty big shit and have some authority complex going on. They are not cops and they are not above getting an ass whopping for messing with the wrong person. They think they can do what ever they want and not have consequences, PLEASE!!

The guys in the video went to far and if I were the couple I'd totally press charges, shit they got it on tape.. I understand doing your job to protect other people but this was extremely excessive.. Shit Face Fucker

Until Next Time...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Ain't Your Momma

One of my biggest pet peeve's is people whether it be ones I know or complete strangers call me Mom, moms, momma, and mommy. Anything pertaining to Mother. I freaking cant stand it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. I only gave birth to two children and those are the only two beings that are allowed to call me mom.. I mean really when did this catch on? It's not cute. It's not sexy. UGH!! Words can not express the hatred I have towards this. Now that I'm sharing this pet peeve I'm sure I'm going to get some responses from a few of you idiots calling me Mom just to mess with me. For you offenders planing to do that here is my response in advance EFFFFF YOU & SCREW YOU!!

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fun Bags

One of the best inventions to date is, drum roll please....
Dail's Strawberry daiquiri. It's fun in a bag. It's a drink you pop in the freezer and has alcohol already in it.. I saw these at my local walmart and decided to pick on up. Boy are they good. Now Im not that much of a drinker these days but these really hit the spot when I did want to drink something. For us lazy people this is the best of both worlds. You get resturant/bar quality right in the comfort of your own home and with out the resturant/bar prices.. Id be to lazy to bust out the blender, liquor, and fruit mix. So to the inventor of this grand drink I owe you one big smooche..

For all you perv's expecting a blog about boobs, For shame. For shame..

Until next time...

Monday, July 11, 2011


First off I know in writing this I may come off as stuck up. I am in no way, shape, or form stuck up. Those who know me well know this to be true..

I had this guy friend (whom shall remain nameless) you can call him Cookie. I spoke to Cookie from time to time as I tend to do will old friends, no harm right? All we ever talked about was how life was going for each of us. During one of conversation I come to find out how much of a man whore he is. I mean I could care less, it's his life and has nothing to do with me but with a life like that comes drama. Something I loathe by the way and do my damnest to stay away from. So whatever he's my friend, I don't judge.. So in another phone call I find out he is sleeping with a person I once knew. Again, I don't care but when this hooker goes out of her way to interfere with my friendship with Cookie then the story changes. Really how insecure does a woman have to be to try and I emphasise the word TRY to aggravate me. Totally going off topic. In another phone call this guy with out directly saying he thinks he has a chance with me and can make me stray away from my husband. Here comes the As IF..

AS IF Id cheat on my husband with a man that doesn't have shit to show for his life.. Why you ask? Make a list? I'm glad you ask and here it is.

1. He doesn't have a job..
(Like I'd want a man on the side that I'd have to take care of. I have two kids I don't need another one. Total down grade.. As If!!)

2. He lives with Mommy..
(I'm not knocking it in a sense because I know some people have to for many reasons but his was just laziness.. As If!!)

3. Man Whore..
(Like I want to walk around with an itch I can never seem to get rid of.. As If!!)

4. Druggie to Boot..
(If you smoke for fun or relieve stress from time to time by all means smoke on but if your life revolves around it, seriously? Ah, I think not.. As If!!)

5. A Total Thug..
(If you in and out if jail you have some serious problems. I understand that mistakes happen but if you don't learn from them where the hell are you headed but down.. As If!!)

6. His Hoe's Get in the Mix..
(When I am friends with someone it's with them not their leg spread-ies. I neither like or engaged in drama from them which with him it came.. As If!!)

7. Doesn't Care about Shit but Himself..
(Not that I am anything special to him but when two of your friends aren't getting along you try to ease the tension not create more and play games.. I mean really what kind of man brags about who he is sleeping with. He doesn't care about her enough that he's just telling me their business.. Totally making her look like filth. I gotta say though she is..

Now Answer me this. What about this man boy do you find sexy or attractive? Haha I certainly can not find one trait about him that would make me think that.. So I told him there was no way in hell he'd have a chance with me on any level and boy did he sing another tune.. I could understand if I led him on but believe me I never did. I'm mean really I talked to him maybe once every couple of months. He constantly beg to see me and the answer was always no. Does that look like I was leading him on? I think not.. I get nothing out of lying so I never do.

In conclusion I'd never in any life time give this Man Boy the time of day in my heart or in my bed. So needless to say I ended this friendship but I do have to say I kinda feel sorry for him though because he let one of his leg spread-ies get between our friendship whose to say she won;t do the same to another one of his friends. He totally looks like her bitch.. Well he made his bed with trash in it and he has to lay in it..

:Word of advise, be careful who you give your number to.. (I'm glad I never gave him mine) Watch what you say because people with shittie lives tend to try to take as many people as possible down with them.

:Take friendship like a job
Application: Find out what you can..
Interview: Feel them out..
Probation: Test the waters of trust..
After that your green..

FYI: I am happily married to a Fantastic Man..

Until next time..