
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Goodbye Again

Today was a sad day for my children and I. Our family dog *Fido* passed :( There has been many pets that I have lost in my almost thirty years on this earth but this was the first death that my children have had to endure. I have to say they took it better then I thought they would. Tears were sheded but they saw that their beloved pet was in a better place and happy. I was reminded that he will not be alone. He has *Bear* to keep company. You see Bear was my most beloved dog. We had him for ten almost eleven years. Four of his last were with me. You see Bear was brought home by my brother. My Dad fell in love with Bear and called him his own. My Dad died in 2002 so Bear was then passed to my mom which in turned was then passed to me. So I had a piece of my Dad for an extra four years. I took it hard because in my eyes he was the last thing I had of my Father. So to see the passing of another lost beloved pet brings back the heartache and all the memories with it. Fido was by far a great dog. He loved me, always wanted to be around me. Its astonishing how a dog can love you unconditionally and love you flaws and all. I always say I wont get another pet but to deny myself that kind of love again would be well DUMB. I know that Bear and Fido would want me to share the love I have with another pet. For us to be happy and not morn our loss but to celebrate the time we had with them. And I will, I will be grateful for every moment I had with them, for every smile I had because of them.

*In Memory Of Fido and Bear*
You both are loved and will be missed


  1. Sorry for your loss..

  2. I kno exactly what u mean, we just lost our chihuahua pelusa right before easter n we had her since she was a baby, she was only seven years old n I cried like a baby when she died, we didn't say anything to our girls cause we didn't kno how bad they were going to take it. Im sorry for the loss of ur doggy
